Member-only story
What is becoming of Old Hollywood?
Hollywood history is disappearing
This is Hollywood of yesterday, this is part of old Hollywood, and the pieces of it can still be found. However the new businesses are lurking to come in and destroy the unique and beautiful history of what once was. Look what the feel is a quaint little small town atmosphere.
However the commercial real estate developers are trying to come in and destroy what is left of Hollywood. When you walk along vine street today all you see is high rise apartments, where studios once stood. It is kind of funny that most of the people living there don’t know the history of the area.
This building has so much history it started out as the Kress Department store, and when Fredericks was here they even had a lingerie museum. If the street could talk the stories it would tell. However, you can feel some of the spirits of the past walking along Hollywood Blvd, and even Vine Street.