Influencer Marketing

Karen Kaye
2 min readOct 1, 2023

What is an influencer? An influencer is someone who promotes a brand using social media. Brands come in all forms from sports, entertainment, news, and activism.

The job of an influencer is to present the truth of a product they are talking about to inform, educate and to make them aware. There are several levels to influence marketing starting with Nano, Micro, Mid-Tier, Macro and finally Mega.

A Nano influence marketer ranges from 1K to 10K, a Micro 10K — 50K, Mid-Tier 50K-500K, Macro 500K-1M and finally Mega 1M+ followers. The following chart is the levels of tiers…



Karen Kaye

Hollywood Happenings is an on-line community newspaper, created, copyrighted and trademarked in 2003. I am an award winning sports writer, Red Carpet interviews